Your Health Will Improve When You Stop Relying on Willpower & Self-Control
Guest Post By Carina Morgan If I had a dollar for every time someone asked [...]
Abundance vs Scarcity: What’s your mindset?
There are two type of people in this world, people that live life with an [...]
Willpower vs Environment
Mindest is the game! You hear me say this all the time, but is it [...]
We Are All At Different Points In Our Journey With Nutrition
We are all at different points in our journey with nutrition. I used to eat [...]
Quit Stressing The F#%K Out!
Constantly stressed? Why? What is stressing you out? Do you even know? How long has [...]
Holiday Nutrition: 4th of July Edition
Happy almost Independence Day! I hope you’re having an awesome holiday week! I wanted to [...]
Top 15 Instagram Nutrition Accounts To Follow
If you’re like me, I absolutely love Instagram! Unlike Facebook, I am filled with motivation [...]
My Transition from Sport Performance to Career Performance
I like to believe that i’m a pretty realistic guy. I feel as if I [...]
“Good” vs “Bad” Food
Is there such a thing? Is there really such a thing as healthy vs unhealthy [...]
Body Image & Positive Self Talk
A year and a half ago when I started my weight loss journey there was [...]