
Learning How To Live A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle With The Help Of A Nutritionist

Coach Justin: “Tony, what’s going on my man? How are you?” Tony: “Good man, happy [...]

Nutritionist Helps Client Learn How To Deal With Food Sensitivities

Coach Justin: “Today we’re going to dive into Monica’s story, her journey and her experience [...]

Nutritionist Helps Client With Comparison, Overtraining, Under Eating, Trusting The Process, Faith and Pregnancy

Today we’re diving into a new section of the podcast where I interview clients that [...]

All About Behavior Change

Why do we do the things we do? This question has always intrigued me. There’s [...]

Top 5 Tips For The 40+ Crowd

The 40+ crowd has the ultimate paradox to deal with. If you’ve been a lifelong [...]

My thoughts after doing a 90 minute nutrition Q&A at Orange Theory Fitness…

Nutrition is extremely complicated, but it doesn’t have to be… This past weekend I did [...]

The 3D Mind

Mindset is a sexy topic these days, but what does it actually mean? Well, we’re [...]

The Art of Transformation

“I’ve had enough. Something has got to change!”   How many times have you heard [...]

Grocery Shopping for Nutrition

Who likes grocery shopping? I know I know, grocery shopping sucks. It’s inconvenient, takes time [...]

Thanksgiving Life Hacks

“As the country became more urban and family members began to live farther apart, Thanksgiving [...]