“It’s a bit of a long post but I wanted share something from last night.
My oldest was in charge of photos last night (because he didn’t want to be in any) and he told me to pose like this because he wanted to take a photo of his mommy’s muscles 

It was so sweet and such a boost of confidence!!
He also added… mom your butt is big and your tummy is so little and you’re really pretty! It made me laugh but it also made me smile to think that these are the memories he will have of his mom! Smiling and having fun and most importantly, strong in all the best ways!
I love that each day my boys see the positive changes and I hope they always remember how important it is to take care of yourself and strive to be the best version of yourself for you!
Thank you Justin Murphy! Thank you for helping me find my smile again and for all your positive encouragement! 

Today marks 6 months of my Nutrition journey with Justin Murphy! I have learned so much about myself and about nutrition these last 6 months. I have worked hard to prioritize myself and fill my own cup so I can be the best mom and wife for my family! It has paid off in more ways than I ever could have imagined. My oldest now tells everyone how he wants to have muscles like mommy and my youngest has no problem telling someone when they are not eating something healthy
. But most importantly my boys love seeing their momma happy! I am incredibly proud of how far I have come these last 6 months and especially these last two months during my “diet phase”. One month left in my “diet phase” and I cannot wait to see the final results!

As I transition into phase two with biweekly calls now, I know that consistency is going to be key and I need to remember Justin is available if I need him! Reminding myself daily to give myself Grace and also sticking to Justin’s words “failure to plan is planning to fail”!
I’ve got this!”