Nutrition Coaching During Pregnancy

Pregnancy nutrition

“I started working with Justin a few months after I lost my first baby at 32 weeks gestation. I had developed gestational diabetes, and while that was not the cause of death, it complicated labor and made a devastating process even harder. My goal was to lose some weight but more importantly, to be healthy because I knew I wanted to try again for a baby. Justin was very compassionate to my situation and I knew he was on my team, wanting the same goals for me. A few weeks in and I had already lost 6 pounds.  But more than that, we had pin pointed certain foods that were making me bloated, I was sleeping better, and I just felt better. I was so excited and motivated to keep going.

Well, I’m pretty sure it was the very next week, I found out I was pregnant again. We completely shifted modes. Justin put emphasis on the needs of my growing baby, but also not forgetting what I needed too – stress management, sleep quantity and quality, mobility and modifying exercises.

I sadly developed gestational diabetes again. I was told by my doctor that anytime I get pregnant I will develop diabetes. Justin was able to work with this also. We closely monitored my carb and sugar intake all the while making sure I was still getting enough calories.

I’m proud to say, I only gained 17 pounds during my pregnancy. I gave birth to a healthy 7lb 4oz baby boy. And just a couple weeks after, I’m already at my pre-pregnancy weight.

Working with Justin Murphy was the best thing. He has so much knowledge that he is eager to share, but more importantly for me was the care he gave. I am forever grateful.”
