The “ “ Diet

How every diet is just a tool to help you lose weight AKA fat loss…

The year is 2018, obesity is at an all time high. The supplement industry is thriving and the media has never been so uneducated. We are truly in a state of information overload when it comes to nutrition recommendations. Low fat, low carb, keto, IIFYM, paleo, whole 30, atkins, intermittent fasting, south beach, etc. There are so many different diets and gurus in the world, all of which are preaching a different message. So what is the best diet? Well, like most things in nutrition it just depends. Everyone in this world is completely unique. Some people respond well to a particular diet, while others don’t. It’s not necessarily that the diet is bad, it might just not be the best diet for that person at that specific time in their life. You see, most diets aren’t actually that different from each other. Some diets focus on absolute quality, while others focus on absolute quantity. But what most people don’t understand is that every diet is just a tool to help you reach your goals. There is no magic pill just like there is no magic diet.

The goal of this blog is to educate the world on the similarities and differences of the popular diets of today. I want to remove the focus of dietary absolutes and challenge each and every one of you reading this book to prioritize BOTH quality and quantity. One without the other, long term, will inhibit your from looking, feeling, and performing your best.

Unbiased Review of the 5 Most Popular Diets of 2018

1. Paleo

The Paleo diet is based on the diet we believe our ancestors used to follow. It consists of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit, nuts & seeds. No processed foods, grains, or dairy. The paleo diet puts a huge emphasis on food quality, but not necessarily food quantity.

The Paleo Diet was originally intended to help people with autoimmune disease, reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar, improving lipid panels for individuals struggling with high cholesterol, etc.

The biggest potential problem people run into when starting the Paleo Diet is the lack of emphasis in how much they should eat. Quantity is just as important as quality when it comes to nutrition.

Focus: Quality

Fat Loss = Calorie Deficit

2. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a dietary protocol that focus on meal timing. Instead of quality or quantity, all of the focus is in when you are allowed to eat. The research supporting IF is very new, there have been some animal and human studies that suggest benefits but not enough long term data to support absolute evidence.

IF can be a great diet for someone that does not workout in the morning and who has a healthy relationship with food. Periodically fasting can also help people learn the difference between body hunger and mental hunger. If you workout in the morning, IF is not going to work for you because you are skipping your post workout meal which will lead to decreased recovery.

Focus: Nutrient Timing

Fat Loss = Calorie Deficit

3. Whole 30

Whole 30 is basically a nutritional cleanse. 30 days of eliminating alcohol, added sugar (real or artificial), grains, dairy, legumes, and alcohol. The emphasis is in eating real food.

The food groups listed above are what seem to have the most influence in affecting cravings, gut health, and reducing inflammation.

The biggest problem people experience when starting whole 30 is simply not knowing what to eat, forming unhealthy relationships with “restricted” foods, and undereating.

Focus: Quality & Quantity

Fat Loss? Calorie Deficit

4. Keto

The Ketogenic Diet is a high fat, extremely low carb diet that allows your body to go into a state of ketosis which uses ketones produced by the liver for energy. This diet has been shown to help with weight loss, reducing inflammation, fighting Type 2 Diabetes, increasing mental clarity, etc.

Misapplication is the biggest issue I see in regards to the keto diet. Most prevalent in the CrossFit community, people simply don’t understand that CrossFit is mainly a glycolytic form of exercise. The glycolytic pathway is primarily fueled by carbohydrates, the keto diet is extremely low carb which is basically like trying to drive a car without any gas. Carbohydrates are how CrossFit is fueled. Therefore, the ketogenic diet would not be a good diet for CrossFit.

Focus: Quantity

Fat Loss? Calorie Deficit

5. Flexible Dieting

Flexible dieting is the belief that the quantity of food you eat is more important than the quality. Calorie intake and more importantly the composition of those calories is the primary focus of the diet. Instead of categorizing food as bad or good, healthy or unhealthy, flexible dieting teaches people to think about food in terms of how many proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are in each food they consume.

Some people abuse flexible dieting by taking it to extremes and completely ignoring food quality, which leaves them consuming processed foods and intaking far less micronutrients. So yes, you can technically eat doughnuts and fast food all day as long as you hit your macros. Just because a diet can make you lose weight or get shredded, if quality is completely ignored then you risk greater health issues long term.

Focus: Food Quantity

Fat Loss? Calorie Deficit



As you can see, if your goal is to lose weight AKA fat loss, then you

have to create a calorie deficit. BOTH food quality and food quantity matter long term if you care about your health. Nutrition absolutes typically aren’t necessary and can leave some people with an unhealthy relationship with food and their own body image. Every diet was created to meet an individual need. If you try a diet and it makes you feel like crap then you’re probably doing something wrong or or you have a misapplication issue. If you find yourself cheating on your diet more times than not, then it’s probably not a sustainable diet for you and your current lifestyle. So what is the best diet? Well, like most things in nutrition it just depends.

If you are having problems trying to find a diet that works for your lifestyle, send me an email or we can set up a consultation call and I would be happy to help!

Live YOUR best life,

Justin Murphy
