PB&J Chicken Wings, Body Dysmorphia, and Why You Should Be Careful Who You Trust On Social Media!

nutrition coaching with Justin Murphy

Hi, I’m Kendall, The Flexible Foodie. Long story short, I struggled with myself in the realm of well, almost everything, but nourishing myself especially. The Flexible Foodie is a platform built upon my love for nutrition, fitness, food and all aspects of life. It is a platform that highlights the idea that food is food, not some demon. It fuels us, it should make us feel good and it should not be boring. Whether you just want new recipes to make for yourself, friends or family, or want to make a change in your diet, you found the right spot. I believe in the concept that moderation is the absolute key to success in everything in life, especially health. Over the last few years, I shifted my belief of what health meant to me. I have been down the path of clean eating, but it was not sustainable for me. I tried fad diets, I avoided certain foods like the plague, I think you get the point. Fortunately, I found a way to be flexible with my diet, which has allowed me to maintain to aspects of my life from friends and family to business and school, make the foods i love in my own special way & fuel my body. I have been able to bring this idea of flexibility into all aspects of my life, which i hope to share with you. I am here not only to share my life and journey with you, but to help you in the kitchen, with your health, and with your life. Let’s do this.

