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- Cholesterol is a sterol, found in the cell membrane and essential to life.
- 25% of our blood cholesterol comes from the diet, and 75% is from internal synthesis. This is what determines our blood cholesterol.
- Cholesterol has important functions such as roles in:
- Fighting infections
- Digestive health
- Endocrine health
- Brain & nervous system
- Growth & development
- Cholesterol deficiency can be fatal!
- Dietary cholesterol has little impact on blood cholesterol.
- Total and LDL cholesterol are not reliable markers for the risk of heart disease. However, LDL particle number is the more significant risk factor.
- Smaller and denser LDL cholesterol in the blood is more dangerous than larger and buoyant particles.
- Sugar and refined carbohydrates cause an increase in small and dense LDL particles, NOT dietary cholesterol or saturated fat.
- Omega-3 fatty acids promote healthy cholesterol levels.
- If one is on a statin to lower blood cholesterol, please ask your doctor to recommend a Coenzyme Q10 supplement as statins deplete Coenzyme Q10.