“Vulnerable moment …. the photos on the right are of a night shift nurse who struggled with consistent nutrition and exercise and had gained 25 lbs in the last 2-3 years. I was embarassed of my body and was stressed about how I was going to lose the weight.
My night shift schedule made working out and meal prepping difficult, and losing weight seemed like an impossible mountain to climb. I started nutrition coaching with Justin a few months ago and am so thankful I did!
The accountability, direction, and emphasis on consistent quality nutrition and exercise has been a life saver. And, Justin really gets it! He understands and empathizes with the challenges and struggles I face as a nurse working shift work, and especially the problems the night shift creates. He has patiently worked with me to create a custom tailored nutrition plan that addresses all my needs and concerns.
I’m not yet where I want to be, but have already made huge strides toward reaching my nutrition and exercise goals! Give Justin a call if you’re needing weight loss or nutrition coaching! He’s awesome.”
-Bri Morrison