0 to $100,000 in 8 months (IMPACT > income)

8 months ago I decided to go all in on my passion to build a badass company that inspires the world to live their best life via nutrition & lifestyle coaching. YOUR response has been nothing short of amazing! I’m am so incredibly humbled and so incredibly hungry to create the impact in this world that I have always dreamed of.

Taking it way back to 2010 when I first started in the fitness industry as a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness, I always dreamed of owning my own business. I grew up learning from guys like Todd Durkin, Mark Verstegen, Gray Cook, and Dr. John Berardi. I spent around $10,000 my first year as a personal trainer doing every last certification and attending every seminar that I possibly could. I had been an athlete my whole life, now it was time to make a name for myself in the fitness industry. But, I was only 18 and I knew I had a lot to learn! I also had no idea how I was going to accomplish the big goals that I had set out for myself.

I started my fitness journey at 24 hour fitness folding towels and making minimum wage. Each and every day, I watched the personal trainers and dreamed of becoming one. About 6 months after folding towels, I decided to take my first personal training certification in order to become a personal trainer.

I failed…

In that moment, I almost quit.

But something in me told me to try again. I studied extremely hard for another month, retook the test, and passed!

From there, I became obsessed with becoming the best personal trainer at 24 hour fitness. I got certified through NASM, NCSF, NESTA, TRX, FMS, Precision Nutrition, and many more. I attended Perform Better seminars all over the country. Over the course of 4 years working as a personal trainer, I learned a lot! I had quite a few amazing mentors at that time in my life that inspired me and made such a huge impact in my life at that time. For that, I am forever grateful.

24 hour fitness was a great place for me to start my career in the fitness industry, because during this time I was also in school full time pursuing my degree in nutrition & dietetics. This unique dynamic allowed me to work in the field while obtaining my degree. This is something that I believe was essential to my development. People don’t work like text books. School doesn’t teach you how to work with real people. Instead, school simply provides you with information which leaves you with a lack of real world application.

Towards the end of my career at 24 hour fitness, I realized that I was working extremely hard for a company that was taking 60-70% of the money that I was making. In fact, the last month that I was there I trained 204 sessions, grossing around $24,000 and only taking home around $8,000. I was not ok with this, I knew something had to change. At this time, I was living in a apartment and I decided to rent out a garage to build a studio that I could train my clients at. After months of consideration, I decided to go all in on myself. I rented the garage, I bought the equipment, and I left 24 hour fitness. Don’t get me wrong, I was scared shitless. Over the next few months, I trained clients out of my garage gym. It wasn’t the most ideal situation, but it was a start.

Around this time, a friend introduced me to CrossFit. Like many other personal trainers at that time, I was not a fan at first! I made comments like, “CrossFit just gets people hurt!” But, after my first few workouts I really started to sip the kool aid as they say. Slowly but surely, I started to become obsessed with the sport. I decided that I needed to get out of my garage gym and into a more competitive gym. I ended up signing up at CrossFit Strong and the was rest was history. Over the next 3 years I became obsessed with competing in CrossFit, which also led me to become a CrossFit coach as well. During this time, I was still in school. I was also still doing personal training. I missed qualifying for the CrossFit regionals my 1st year by 4 spots. I was devastated, but that also made me hungrier than ever to qualify that next year. I competed at regionals in 2015 & 2016. I had a dream to compete at the CrossFit games!

2016 was a busy year for me! I got married, graduated with my nutrition degree, and competed at regionals all within a 2 month period of time. Let’s just say, I burnt myself out. I realized at this moment in my life that I needed to go all in on one thing! At this time, I was undecided as to whether or not I wanted to go back to school to become a physical therapist, open up my own gym, or build an online nutrition coaching company. After months of consideration, I decided to put my $60,000 nutrition degree to use. I got a unique opportunity to build a nutrition coaching program at CrossFit Strong. I quickly fell in love with the process!

Fast forward to 1 year later, I had built an awesome program but yet I was completely burnt out. I was over delivering and undervaluing my time, knowledge, and experience. In this moment, I thought I needed to go work for iN3 Nutrition, one of the fastest growing and most successful companies in the nutrition space. There company was growing insanely fast and I wanted to learn from the best in the industry. I attended there 1 day business mastermind event and followed that up with the hormone specialist certification. I was extremely impressed with not only Jason, but the amazing team he had built and the impact they were making in this world. I told Jason that day that I wanted to work for him! To my surprise, he said no…

He simply told me that I reminded him of himself when he was 26 years old. He told me that even though I thought I wanted to join his team, what I really wanted was to build a badass team. This day literally changed my life. But in that moment, I had no idea. Honestly, I was crushed that he didn’t hire me. The scarcity mindset immediately set in! Was I not good enough? Did I not have what it took to be on his team? What was I going to do now? For about 2-3 days after, I soaked in my own self pity. I felt bad for myself and I talked about how it wasn’t fair. I even considered just keeping my current job and settling for a comfortable salary.

Luckily I have an amazingly supportive wife that’s always on my team. She told me that this was my time. This was the moment that I had always dreamed of. So I decided to make the biggest investment in myself that I had ever made in my life. I decided to hire Jason Phillips as my mentor at $1,000 per month! Keep in mind, I had about $5,000 in my account at this time. I called Jason a few days later and told him that I have decided to go all in on myself. I told him that the time was now for me to quit making excuses and start building the life that I had always dreamed of. I’m so incredibly grateful that I made this decision, because only 2 short months later my wife & I found out that she was pregnant with our first child!

If that’s not motivating then I don’t know what is!

So here I am, 8 months later…

Justin Murphy Nutrition had evolved into iCoach Nutrition.

“I” has turned into a team of 3 coaches, 1 admin, 1 videographer / photographer, 1 accountant

We hit $100,000 in online sales yesterday.

We are just getting started!

IMPACT > income

I’m not writing this to brag.

I’m writing this to inspire all of the trainers, coaches, RD’s, etc. to GO ALL IN on you!

I am forever grateful to my mentor Jason Phillips.

I am so excited for the future of iCoach Nutrition!

If you’re a trainer, coach, RD, etc. looking to make the jump into the online space then please don’t hesitate to reach out. I have taken on a few mentor clients myself lately and I would love to help answer any questions you may have.

Trust me, I was scared shitless 8 months ago.

But now, i’m truly the happiest that I have ever been in my life.

Simply because I decided to bet on myself and go ALL IN on me and my dreams!

Much love, J